Saturday, 15 January 2011

A2 Media

Here's a look at my A2 media project so far. I'm designing a celebrity based magazine to reflect celebrity culture and the imapcts on their audience (essay). I'm planning on designing a complemte magazine for this project fro which i will take all the images myself and create all the layout designs.
Will update post if i make changes.

Random Sketches

Here are some random sketches I've been working on, once completed I will update this post.

Friday, 14 January 2011


Here is a small collage of my photgrpahy. This is a keen hobby of mine.

A2 Product design - INITAL IDEAS

Here are some sketches i've been working on as inital ideas for my A2 product design project. I plan to create a portable carry case for a photographer/paparazzi/etc.

A2 ICT coursework

Link to screen shots of my website (currently working on project within college)

Follow the following steps
1. Open link
2. In botton right on screen, a green download button should appear, click this to download the PDF file so powerpoint is viewable.

Aplologies for an inconvience.
For the first unit of my A2 ICT course I was required to create a fully functioning website for an organisation of my choices. I chose to re-design the mere trail's website (an outdoor advneture trail within local community). Taking in to account my target auidence i designed a suitable web page for a family auidence allowing them to interact with the site (via interactive map), and get a taster of what to expect from the mere trail.
I am currently in the processes of uploading the site to a server so it can be accesss via the interent, as soon as I have done so I will update this blog link.

AS Media coursework

Below is a link to my AS media coursework.

Follow the following steps
1. Open link
2. In botton right on screen, a green download button should appear, click this to download the PDF file so powerpoint is viewable.

Aplologies for an inconvience.
The set brief for my media coursework was to create two magazines (one targeted towards boys and one towards girls) and present a taster article of campaign affecting young peoples health, I chose to bring awarness of underage drinking and the affects on teenagers health. The project required us to create all the elements and take all pictures our selves and produce a high quality magazine

AS Product Design

Unfourtanetley i was unable to add a PDF file into a blogger post so have upload my coursework to an online server where it can be instantly downloaded a viewed.

Follow the following steps
1. Open link
2. In botton right on screen, a green download button should appear, click this to download the PDF file so powerpoint is viewable.

Aplologies for an inconvience.


For my AS product design coursework I was required to create and complete two sperate projects; I chose to design a chair and a decorative candle holder, for which I created my own brief. The powerpoint above contains all of the research I carried out as well as my inital ideas, development, final design, CAD/CAM drawings, Google sketch up and images showing the processes I took to create the two projects.


I was just flicking through random folders and found these collages I made last summer of me a friends. I really like some of the brushes I have used I might redo some of the logos using them.


I've been working on some illustration designs for a princess book I might create for my nieces birthday, I'm still unsure of whether or not to make it as a book or just keep it simple and create a birthday card; as soon as I have finished though I'll update this blog.


Ive been working on some inviation designs for friends 18th this week here is what i have come up with some far. However I still think they need some work.

Logo Designs

This is a logo design I created for a friends band, they wanted something eye catching and interesting to reflect their band, taking this in to account I used the program Corel paint shop to design the logo.

The following designs are logos i have created for product design coursework to accompy the carry case i have designed as an identity for the business behind the case I am designing.


Here is a collection of logo designs I created as part of dt coursework to accompy my designs for the portable case I am designing in the current course. As they are logos I have kept the designs fairly simple, however none of these are final as I am still working on them to improve quality and editing colour choices.

Fundraiser Posters

Above are the posters I created for a fundraiser we had in sixth form. We held a sixth form night out at a local pub where everyone paid £3 entry which went towards our year 13 prom. I wanted the posters to be eye catching, so people would notice them in our common room so I chose a black background to create a contrasting affecting against the colour. In the end my final design which I used was the 3rd poster; because it was th
e most effective and easiest to read.

Leeds Brief

Here are the pieces of work I sent off to Leeds to reply to their brief, where you had to design four posters using one of four symbols. I chose the speech bubble as it had the most potential, and reflected my opinion of celebrity culture. I chose celebrity culture as I had confident understanding of the culture because of media studies.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Welcome to my online portfolio.

Hello and welcome to my online portfolio. Here you can find all of my work, both personal and school projects. I will try and regualry update this blog with any work I have done and possibly even my thoughts on others work.

Bye for now :) vick x